Thursday, May 22, 2008

Done with Kindergarten...yay!

We finished up our Kindergarten year last week. We both need a break, but I'm sure she'll be begging me to start 1st I have a reading list, and we'll be visiting the library for books to read during the summer. She learned so much this year, I can't even believe it. She was simply writing her numbers and circling groups when we started this year. Now she is adding, subtracting, doing tally marks, counts by 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, and 10's, and much more. (We love Horizons!). Her reading is phenomenal, which might be because she loves to read so much. She's learned 50 Greek and Latin roots and prefixes. We did "History for Little Pilgrims" (Christian Liberty Press) which I highly recommend. Every week we also looked on a map and chose a place to go. We would learn about the country then go online and check out pictures and cultural info on that place. We did Christian Liberty Press' Bible study curriculum A & B. We did loads of phonics and handwriting, and just tons of other stuff. I am really proud of us for what we've done this year.

I am so grateful that God called us to homeschool our children. What a blessing it has been to us!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

May Quote

"Architect Frank Lloyd Wright told how a lecture he received at the age of nine helped set his philosophy of life: An uncle, a stolid no-nonsense type, had taken him for a long walk across a snow-covered field. At the far side, his uncle told him to look back at their two sets of tracks.
"See, my boy," he said, "how your foot prints go aimlessly back and forth from those trees, to the cattle back to the fence and then over there where you where throwing sticks? But notice how MY path comes straight across, directly to my goal. You should never forget this lesson!"
"And I never did," Wright said, grinning. "I determined right then not to miss most things in life, as my uncle had."